Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Death Panels

I read an article by someone that I usually find to be spot on (Charles Krauthammer). In the article, he dismisses Sarah Palin's use of the term "death panel". Unfortunitly, Mr. Krauthammer then went on to describe how wills and final directives work in a hospital setting. He never addressed the fact that there will be a panel of people who will review cost/benefit relationship when it comes to money spent on elderly, disabled, etc. Indeed, Mr. Krauthammer never mentioned that, if we get Obamacare, the only way to cut costs is to limit access to care, professionals, technology.

Mr. Krauthammer, I have to disagree with you on this one, as much as it pains me to say so. Obama wanted to withhold care to aborted babies who survived the procedure. Just push them aside and let them die.

Up until the last couple of days, do you think that ted kennedy was denied anything that might prolong his life? Do you think that the insurance he had would tell him to just go take a pill a year ago when he was diagnosed?

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